About Publisher Plus

Publisher Plus is an enterprise digital publishing platform used by newspaper, magazine, radio and digital publishers from all around the globe. It consists of a suite of products and services that helps publishers and their team unleash their full potential.

The Publisher Plus platform was developed by Square1, a software and design agency with its headquarters based in Dublin Ireland. The Publisher Plus team now have offices throughout Europe, including Dublin Ireland, London England, Valencia Spain and Paris France.

Publisher Plus Office

Our Team

The core management team at Publisher Plus is formed by internet professionals with a wealth of experience delivering and managing high-traffic websites, including some of the biggest and most innovative online publishing brands in the UK and Ireland.

Publisher Plus was conceived by Square1 Software in June 2013. We now employ 50 full time employees across five departments: Technical Support, Project Management, Design/UX, Project Development and Digital Marketing. The last five years have seen our team and client list grow exponentially, we now have clients from all across the globe.

Publisher Plus Team

Our Solutions

Publisher Plus is a suite of products and dedicated services for the publishing sector. A modular system, Publisher Plus can be built to suit your needs, adding additional features with ease.

It boasts a powerful and flexible CMS, delivering your content via a highly scalable API infrastructure across every channel, web, mobile, print or voice, exactly as you want it. Deep social integration makes sharing even easier, while advanced tagging makes sure your content is seen in search results.

Monetising your content is no hassle at all with our paywall feature, ensuring you get maximum return on your effort. With a customised portal, your customers can feel secure subscribing with deep Stripe payment integration. Publisher Plus is also fully integrated with Google DFP ad server, allowing you full control over site wide sponsorship integrations.

With our Publisher Plus Voice product, you can easily publish your content to a voice-controlled device such as the Amazon Alexa and the Google Home. You can also publish your content as voice to an embedded onsite audio player or via a podcast subscription service platform. For TV and radio publishers, we have a fully integrated video/audio live stream and playback solution.

Our platform offers a full print to digital solution for newspaper and magazine publishers via our Adobe InDesign® integration, along with a number of monetisation options specifically for print publishers.

Sign up and put your content in your readers hands

We have plans to suit all publishers whether you're a national broadcaster or an individual blogger.